
Friday, September 21, 2012

Two Cents in Twitter Chats, Priceless Results!

As I have become more actively involved in the education world online, joining Twitter, participating in chats like #edchat, #engchat, meeting like-minded colleagues who share my passion for education and technology, I have realized all is not lost in education reform. Twitter chats like #edchat and others are instrumental in creating the impetus we need to once and for all effect change for the better. While the physical world struggles to provide quality education for all our students, the virtual world of education showcases the creme of the crop in terms of passionate and creative individuals, teachers and administrators alike, with a willingness to share what they know so we can all hone our craft and elevate our profession. If only more educational stakeholders discovered the value of technology integration in education, Twitter chats, in particular, imagine the gains our students could make. 

Twitter, blogging and the online education world empower me to share my expertise, and learn something new everyday. Participating in Twitter "edchats" has made me realize how powerful educators can become to mobilize others for educational reform. I entered the virtual world disheartened by the public school system, but not only have I found a voice to continue to make a difference for kids and education, I have discovered there are millions of talented teachers and administrators who care and are changing education for the better.

If you have not had an opportunity to participate in an Educational Twitter chat, make time to experience the benefits of these virtual professional learning communities. You'll come away with dozens of resources, tips and strategies. Please visit Cybraryman's Educational Website to see the catalogue of Twitter chats and the days and times these groups meet. Whether or not you decide to tweet your two cents or read others', you're guaranteed to interact with talented educators and learn something new.

Visit Cybraryman's page "How To Take Part In or Moderate A Twitter Chat" 

Please view my short video on what are educational Twitter Chats and Hashtags.  Hope to hear your two cents on Twitter soon...tweet me @trendingteacher; the experience is priceless!

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